Bug triage, a simple way to choose a bug priority
Some time ago… after a production launch. We encounter an issue with the way we were trying to address bugs, and how to prioritize them before the next sprint iteration.
A really nice way to make this process, It is easier having well documented bugs. This article propose some awesome templates for bug reporting.
The first approach was trying to handle all bugs depending on each team member’s knowledge, tackling a big list of issues…
The results were not as good as we expected
A lot of time and effort invested, and in the end, just a few bugs rated and a lot of improvements discussed.
Main goal
Our main goal was finding out a way or process to prioritize all pending bugs reducing the waste of time in a single meeting. Categorizing bugs depending on the type of issue we have, and impact in the user experience.
Blocking bugs
The most important bugs in our process, the ones stopping our users from using our awesome app and should be tackle first
Logic issues or undesired behaviors
Those things that happen in our application, and takes away our users from the path we designed.
Visual staff
Misplaced things, wrong colors, lost fonts, things like that…
General bug
Something wrong, not driving to undesirable behavior, but feels awkward when the user is using our application. We can live with it…
Improvement or new feature
There are some cases when our issue can be solved with a whole new feature or an improvement that requires a considerable time of our sprint. Something involving an epic, or a big user story.
Flow approach
This was the result of our few experiments, a flow focused on giving a reasonable priority to each kind of bug
Priority and urgency
- P0|Urgent: Must be fixed immediately / in the next build.
- P1|High: Must be fixed in any of the upcoming builds but should be included in the release.
- P2|Medium: May be fixed after the release / in the next release.
- P3|Low: May or may not be fixed at all.
- P4|Improvement: Could be considered a nice to have
Thanks for reading our story, until next time!!!!